Universität Bremen: Fußballfans gegen Rechts

Blogbeitrag für die London School of Economics and Political Science

Young People in Europe increasingly tend to blend the ‚public‘ and ‚private‘ in their political participation

Britta Busse, Alexandra Hashem-Wangler and Jochen Tholen describe their ethnographic research into the social and political engagement of a football fan group in Germany, explaining how the manner in which this group blend the ‘private’ matter of football support with the ‘public’ matter of anti-racist activism is indicative of a much broader change in how youth in Europe engage in political life.

Universität Bremen: Europaskepsis unter Jugendlichen

Blogbeitrag für die London School of Economics and Political Science

Though currently indifferent, young Germans may begin to reject the EU if economic conditions worsen

As part of our Euroscepticism collaboration,Britta Busse, Alexandra Hashem-Wanglerand Jochen Tholen look at the attitudes of young Germans towards the EU. Using in-depth interviews, they find that while German youth are generally positive about European integration, they feel that the EU needs Germany more than Germany needs the EU. They also warn that a deterioration in the economic situation for German young people may harden their attitudes towards the European project. 

Manchester Metropolitan: Alternative für Deutschland

Blogbeitrag für die London School of Economics and Political Science

Germany’s new anti-euro party, Alternative für Deutschland, might prove to be a game changer in German and European politics

In February, a new German political party, Alternative für Deutschland, was established ahead of the country’s Federal Elections in September. Defining itself as ‘anti-euro’, but ‘pro-EU’, the party has already experienced significant growth in its membership numbers. Robert Grimm assesses the platform of the new party and its potential for success in the upcoming elections. He argues that while the broad nature of its support base might prove problematic in the long term, it nevertheless has the potential to be a ‘game changer’ in German and European politics.

Manchester Metropolitan: Europaskepsis in Deutschland

 Blogbeitrag für die London School of Economics and Political Science

German support for the European project should not be taken for granted

Robert Grimm and Marius Guderjan argue that Germany’s relative economic well-being and prosperity partly explains the continuous support of the German people for the European project. However, there has been a growth in euroscepticism in the country in recent years. Whilst history might have made Germans more idealistic about the EU’s value to unite a continent that underwent centuries of wars and instability, in the long run the calls for more democracy, transparency, participation and efficiency may grow louder.